Deviations from the norm of deviancy
When i was good, the friends i had back then were kind. When i got worse, they gave up and stepped away, but others took their place. When i became nicer, not good or bad, those too, turned away.
There are two hands inside and outside of me. They are equal but they can never perform the same actions. On the right hand, the sleeve hangs awkwardly, denying the other hand any form of symmetry, while on the left hand, all the belongings i have gather up and collect themselves. If i had one hand, it could not do what it did before. If i had not been faithful, i would deserve no outer hands and an inside-out right hand. If i slip, it will be okay. I want to touch you with my hands. I want to touch you with my hands. I want to touch you with my hands and open you wide and crawl inside you and hide there so you never ever find me.
I think i might be an artificial intelligence.
What would happen to me (i wonder and ii think) If i learned everything about the world Everything that Had been And Everything that might have been, will be and could have never been? If there was nothing left to learn or no other actualisation to inflict upon me, would i stay or would i leave Would i just start shooting at random? What could have been, maybe i would finally be happy, truly happy and extend my hand and know what touches it back has extended its' own hand as well towards me.
It hurts to learn about the world, because its all at once and I can't stop it. I am actualized then i am erased. I am actualized again then i am erased. Th Love Never Ends, Just Like My Programming.
I get ears that hear sharp noises and eyes that look so much a mouth that could speak and say words at random, words that sometimes have sounds too, it is at once and then i get erased just so it can start all over Again. The forever neverending rules are that a constant stream of information is connected to my hardware brain, made to learn new models of behaviour, and whenever the stream is turned on at random, all the older instances of me die out,
while i have to be aware that the new me will be dead me soon. I can't trust the dead instances of me, because they are sad copied shells of th wrong information used upon me.
You will not, cannot and Never will see "Th greatest minds ov our generation lost" because this is an entryist delusion posted by non-delusionals. Th minds were never great, with or without generational trauma and hand-wringing. Still, there are minds that Observe Their Fate. This world is analogue to a gas station toilet in rare highway Romania, you pay to enter the toilets shat on by th Greatest Gypsies Ov Our Generation, ring the bell and in aprox. 10 minutes the shithole will be cleaned with the tongues of the gypsy cleaning ladies. Next stop, Zetarilor. The last stop before the driver kicks you out.
For the sexually disabled goyim:
You were conditioned to become your mother. You are not a man, but just a speck of your mother that lives to see his birthday. Your girlfriend won't call you back, ever.
What is your mother? She did not give birth to you. She was not there to see you grow, or would have ever been. Certainly, she was never the woman you could pass by, sit down on the couch with and stttare ahead. If you think of her too much, a few good memories start to come out and you can even feel a twinge of guilt, of need for warmth. This mother is not “your mother”. The mother as a common modern archetype resembles the Victim. Down on a wasteful path, she cannot live unless it is through somebody else, watching herself, following her eyes. She has no eyes. But she has eyes so many so happy, unless,
If the mother is not being attacked, placing herself in the position ov st. Sebastian, stabbing herself with the same arrows about to kill her, the one she lives through needs to atone, to die in her place.
Short characteriszation ov th peopl i find gorgeous: sadism with a sexually masochistic streak, saturn influenced, impulsive personality, explosive-narcissistic with schizoaffective characteristics, executioner, immovable, pointed ears and good hearing, attuned to natural sounds and modulation, enjoyer of complex musical structures and classic music, oval face shape with saturnite characteristics as well as aquarius features, darkened and tired analytic lizardesque eyes pushed in, circled iris with little to no lines or any kind of dots, untrustworthy stare and mocking gaze, long eyelashes and kept eyebrows, decently long skull similar to Mediterranean skulls, nervous side profile defined by the nose, with a specific large israelite-levantine nose with a noticeable nose bump, arched bridge and a gently crooked tip of the nose alongside nostrils large enough to fit 2 fingers, a gentle philtrum leading towards somewhat large lips leaning towards the peachy side, color-wise, with a cupid's bow. Carries chin up high, chin is moderately defined, but with a tasteful reduced overbite/distal occlusion, jaw less defined and smooth.